The Important Steps For Treating Concussion Symptoms
Getting the proper concussion treatment can be a frustrating and confusing process. Historically, rest was the go-to treatment option for
people with concussions. All you had to do was rest, rest, rest then rest some more until all symptoms dissipated. However, increased
research on concussions
has shown that prolonged rest does not work and may even worsen the situation. While rest is absolutely necessary during the early stages
following an injury, shorter durations of rest have shown improved results in patients. So, if you are still experiencing significant
symptoms after a day or two of rest and a gradual return to activities, it is time to consider other concussion treatment alternatives. Call
to discuss treatment options.
Top 5 Most Effective Evidence-Based Concussion Treatment Options
Exercise Therapy
Studies have shown a reduction in blood flow to the brain following a concussion. Research has also shown that this reduction might persist
for some time. It could be the reason you feel okay when at rest but experience heightened symptoms when you try to walk, work or even read
a book.
Contrary to conventional thought, exercise can be a great way to rehabilitate this problem – provided you know what you are doing. Numerous
studies show improved brain blood flow and symptom resolution after following a specific graded exercise program. However, it is important
to work with a professional who fully understands this protocol to establish setpoints and your custom program.
Manual Therapy
Almost every concussion is accompanied by a whiplash. It is therefore nearly impossible to have a concussion without a strain or sprain
injury to the neck. A Canadian research study found that these injuries almost
always happen together. However, the signs and symptoms of concussion and whiplash are very similar making it hard to tell if your symptoms
are from your concussion or your neck injury.
Concussions typically resolves quite quickly – for 80-90% of patients, symptoms disappear within a few days to a few weeks. However,
whiplash symptoms can persist for a year or more without proper treatment. Therefore, if you are still having concussion symptoms after
several weeks or months, these symptoms could actually indicate neck dysfunction which can be treated with manual therapy and
rehabilitative exercises.
Diet/Nutritional Changes
Research shows that concussions can result in inflammation in the brain. Treatment options involve simple nutritional adjustments such as
avoiding pro-inflammatory foods including refined sugars, red meats, pasta and white bread. Replace these foods with vegetables and fruits,
fresh fish and good fats to offset the inflammatory response. You may also consider supplements but be sure to consult with your doctor
Vestibular and Visual Rehabilitation
Dizziness is a common complaint among concussion patients. However, this may be the result of overlapping issues such as problems with the
visual system, the balance centres of the brain, or the joint and muscle sensors of your neck. After a thorough assessment of these possible
causes, it may be appropriate for you to enroll in a rehabilitation program. Visual and vestibular rehabilitation has been shown to resolve
visual dysfunction and dizziness in a fairly short time.
Education and Reassurance
A misinformed concussion treatment regime may involve avoiding social contact, sitting in a dark room, and avoiding working/studying or any
physical activity for weeks on end. Unfortunately, this regime may trigger depression and anxiety which has been shown to prolong symptoms.
The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation demonstrated that proper patient education and reassurance is effective in helping concussion patients
feel better and prevent long-term symptoms.
Start Your Recovery
Consult with professionals trained in concussion treatment, such as your doctor, a neuropsychologist, or a physiotherapist to know which of
the above concussion treatment options is right for you and to help you with the recovery process. Give
us a call
to discuss your options today.